EAS system detection antenna is placed at the door, and soft or hard labels are affixed to the goods for sale; If you walk out of the store without decoding the cashier or unlocking the lock, the detection antenna will automatically sound an alarm to notify the clerk that the store's goods have been stolen. It does not make customers feel uncomfortable and cannot be installed in the fitting room, as the surveillance system does, and it also acts as a deterrent to thieves.
What is the principle of the EAS system anti-theft lock opener? Will the alarm detect the lock opener? eas anti-theft label contains a lock core. The lock core is composed of 3 steel balls, springs and other accessories. After the nail is inserted into the label, the nail is locked by the lock core (that is, it is stuck by the 3-ball steel ball, the structure of the lock core is small at the top and large at the bottom), so it is pulled tighter and tighter. Unless the plastic shell is broken, if the plastic shell is strong enough, it can not be pulled out. This requires the use of a lock pick, the magnetic force of the lock pick will pull the steel ball inside the lock core down, and there is a space between the nail and the steel ball. EAS system nail will separate from the tag. To put it bluntly, the lock opener is a magnet, called magnetic steel. The magnetism is very strong. The detector will not alarm.
The anti-theft process and principle of electronic anti-theft system (EAS) for supermarket goods.
1, the goods are not attached to the anti-theft label, only the bar code, whether each product is magnetic on the bar code?
Bar code has no anti-theft effect.
2. In addition to identifying the price of the product, does the cashier scan the barcode have the effect of degaussing? If not, where is the product degaussing at the time of payment?
No degaussing effect, degaussing on a board on the cashier's desk (degaussing board).
3, bought the bulk of things, weigh the label, if torn, take out will not alarm? If the use of magnets can interfere with the magnetic goods escape the anti-theft system?
No, the paper label is not an anti-theft label, the magnet also says not necessarily, sometimes can interfere with sometimes can not, just like the mobile phone and anti-theft label put together, sometimes can interfere, but sometimes will ring.